Wednesday, February 03, 2010

For the Record …

Zenger’s has received word from San Diego Democratic Club and San Diego LGBT Pride board member Bob Leyh that we misprinted the name of former Pride development director Ken St. Pierre as Ken St. Jacques in the February-March 2010 issue. Leyh also informs us that he was not treasurer of the San Diego Democratic Club during the time that Stephen Whitburn was its president.

Also, Chad Hardy, producer of the “Men on a Mission” calendars featuring young Mormon men in sensual poses, has disputed the characterization of him as “openly Gay” by Zenger’s associate editor Leo E. Laurence in the February-March 2010 cover story about the calendars. “I have never stated this,” Hardy e-mailed Laurence. “I do not live an openly Gay lifestyle.”

Zenger’s regrets the errors.